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A member registered Jul 08, 2018

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A long time coming, and a long wait. (Not as long as Elysian Tail) This is an achievement!

Ah right fim++ haha. Ya glad there are lots of other options.

This brings to mind the Pony coding language somebody developed (idk i think they named it Harmony). Some Ponybro should develop a Engine xD

Here you go.

(1 edit)

i now understand my attraction.

I wish I were a tree

Major hype. And give whoever wrote that KS page a raise. Most AAA companies don't even go that in depth.

Quite a mix of problems... ctrl+w closes the window, needed for the vent. some other html5 issues with making it full screen and not allowing the mouse to function right.

I get a Half Life feel and layout though.

Truly love the background you added. Looks big, vibrant, and inviting!


This is the game I truly wanted!

y u do dis?

Just to make us suffer? :'(

It would be nice to be able to bookmark and search upcoming or past game jams with keywords allowing missed and unjoined jams to be found, since lots of games from those usually are untagged.

Aaaaand the trash can fell through the space station. Welp back to my 300 lashings.

I may be a little forward here, but I think you should have a full build cycle dedicated to integrating a better quest system for more direction. Or some kind of hint system. There are numerous times I get quests or have an idea where to go, but absolutely no idea how to get there, or steps needed to start on the path for it. Some quests even seem to have me want to deal with a princess I have never even seen yet, let alone can find. A example to a previous point would be the Caveau keys. Found 2, easily. But can't get anything to find the 3rd. Im assuming I need the local princess in my party to get through a door, but so far from my experience, every princess locks you into their route to join a party. So would trying to complete that quest be worth aiming for? I have no ingame info to go off anything to know it works any different, or any hints of a direction. Also for feeding the spider side quest. How many times do I need to do it? I did it a couple then forgot about it, failing the quest. If it listed a number I would be able to focus it knowing it had an "end". Many quests suffer from ambiguity and the game seems fairly geared towards chance encounters for completing steps.

A lesser issue is it's a shame every creature isnt animated into the adult animations for the princesses combat encounters. Lots of potential visually, and would keep nice variation most of the time. Also it seems fairly hard to get adult scenes early to mid game outside of talking to strangers which is unfortunate, let alone with other princess's.  Though no ideas how to make it less grindy if the players mood rises, without ruining gameplay mechanics and story. Some kind of potion you can use on Princess's when sleeping if you sneak in? 

That has not even once worked for animals lovers, furries, or when your mother seen you playing a shooting game.

And lets be real. Every animated/anime-like character is under 18 with caveats of lying, being ancient but imprisoned in a younger body, or just an overly large boob size for their age. trollololol

I'm using this page to cover my browsing history so the FBI doesn't figure out I know who the Muffin Man really is.

Extremely cute walking sounds. Really really hard.

Coming from me, i beat all of your other games. :T

(1 edit)


Hey, not to throw shade on you being a literature god or anything, but do you also do some form of straight up fiction writing on the side, outside of being a game on FA or fanficiton, etc?

I only ask since game development is generally slow and if you're an ideas man, it would be super cool to have a side writing project you can pump out on slow dev days. Maybe like a prequel story for the game characters, childhood and origin stories and such.

I mean, I doubt you could glean all life information from that stone wall of a fox, Koshiro, in game at least.

Another work of art!

Whats the major differences for 1.0, 1.01, and 1.4? Unless im deeply confused, 1.01 you have to pay for but 1.4 is open and public on patreon it seems.

But 1.4 is months old and 1.01 was just updated?

Whats actually newer or the more up to date one?

Aww I liked that post.


The ending cured my autism!